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Create custom forms and receive entries into iinsight
Secure and protected document sharing
Immediate, detailed conversational support
An extensive HR portal to manage employee related HR
Easily create and manage appointments
Reduce "no-shows" with SMS & Email reminders
Record progress notes for clients
Store files within iinsight like ppt, doc, jpg, mp4, pdf and more
Achieve goals
Control access based on role, team or user
Streamline planning, budgeting and program management
Powerful case management features to excel your business
Run Case, Financial and Employee reports
Easy billing and finance management
Accurately record and bill against employee work log's
Bill against service contracts or funders. Take billings and more
Template's galore - explore the possibilities
Doc management within iinsight and for clients
Easily create online appointments
Add goals and track goals progress
Run your allied health business effectively
Achieve client outcomes
Helping you achieve optimal health for your clients
Find foot related solutions with the right case management system
Employee/employer related features
Helping you make behavioural change
Voice therapy related client management system
Case management for muscle, tissue and bone treatments
Personal injury law case management
Supporting you to make positive change
Your tool to help injured employees gain employment
Achieve movement outcomes with seamless management of cases
Your reliable go-to platform, even when on-the-go
Helping you provide therapy support
Focus on rehabilitating clients with seamless admin management
Enabling you to enable them
Everything you need to deliver physical therapy services
Record, track, refer back to, remind and bill
Manage multi disciplines, branches, teams, roles, users