Looking for inclusive days out with your client who is living with a disability? Find suitable options for people with all disabilities with this simple guide for support workers.
Every support worker knows that safe and enjoyable home surroundings are the foundation of a successful life for any disability client. Nonetheless, days out are an essential feature too. While finding suitable solutions can often feel difficult, the truth is that there are plenty of inclusive activities to consider. In this guide, we’ll look at some of the best.
The Benefits of Meaningful and Fun Outings for Disability Clients
Everyday activities are essential for improving the disabled client’s quality of life, and it is the role of support workers to facilitate meaningful interactions and experiences. Over 1.3 billion people worldwide live with a disability, and virtually all of them can benefit from fun outings. Some of the rewards include;
- A chance to socialise with other people living with disabilities,
- Opportunities to integrate with the community as a whole,
- Develop physical capabilities and emotional understanding,
- Learn new skills including life skills,
- Create magical moments and cherished memories,
- Get a break from the home surroundings.
However, support workers should remember their disabled clients as individuals. As such, finding suitable tasks that reflect their capabilities and personality is vital. The options below should offer something for everyone.
20 Fun Outings with Your Disability Client
Go to the Movies
The cinema is an ideal daytime or evening outing. It’s not lovely expensive but it’s a chance for the disability client to enjoy a film, as well as popcorn. It’s additionally the perfect option for easing into social activities as the interactions with other people are limited to before and after the movie. Many cinemas will have a dedicated screening aimed at accessibility and inclusivity too.
Visit a Local Park
The local park is the perfect place for fun outings, not least because the day out does not require lots of preparation. You can enjoy a picnic in the park, create activities that get the disability client interacting with the natural surroundings, and enjoy people-watching. It’s a great way to get fresh air, a little exercise, mental stimulation, and vitamin D. For a big day out, you could look at botanical gardens.
Attend a Local Market
Local markets offer a rich variety of food, stalls, and local entertainment. Meanwhile, each market is unique, making them an ideal setting for a fun day out. Support workers can plan a safe and enjoyable trip for their client(s) but still give them a lot of freedom. Better still, if you feel the need to step out of the action and take a few minutes to calm yourselves down, you can do this with ease.
Try a Fitness Class
Physical fitness is essential for your disability client, not least because it can aid mobility while also providing mental stimulation. Seated aerobics and yoga mobility are two examples of inclusive classes that may be available. Many gyms and community centres also have small group classes aimed at people with mobility needs or intellectual disabilities. They’re fun, suitable, and highly rewarding.
Join an Inclusive Sports Sessions
Sports, and particularly team sports, offer many benefits to all participants. Your disability client can certainly enjoy the rewards of exercise, social interactions, and healthy competition. Disability football has gained immense popularity in recent years but there are many other sports that can be adapted for accessibility. Whether it’s basketball, tennis, or bowling, adults with disabilities will get a lot from this activity.
Go to an Exhibition
From local art exhibitions to museums and other relevant settings, you should not be short of accessibility-friendly options. In fact, many venues will hold sessions specifically catered for disabled guests and their carers. The key, naturally, is to find an exhibition that you think will capture the imagination. If this means opting for something fun like the history of LEGO or Disney films, go for it.
Book a Beauty Day
Looking good makes us feel good. A trip to the beauty salon or barber can be one of the best days out for a disability client as it helps them look and feel their best. The physical sensation of being pampered is further supported by the sense of feeling valued due to the one-on-one interactions. There is nothing quite like the feeling of leaving a salon after a treatment while ideas like massages also offer deep pressure.
Going for Ice Cream
Oftentimes in life, the simple joys are the best. It is something that many people living with disabilities naturally embrace, which is why going for ice cream is a wonderful outing. The excitement of the sweet treat is combined with the potential to explore new flavours. Better still, they appreciate that one-to-one connection or group interaction that you gain from sitting at a table with only your sundae and each other for company.
Visit the Local Library
Visiting the library to rent a book is fun in itself, not least because your disability client will also find a host of accessible products like audiobooks. Furthermore, many local libraries have dedicated inclusive programmes for disabled individuals. The sessions are a great outlet for meeting new people as well as personal growth, learning, and creativity. It’s ideal for disabled people of all ages.
Join the Community Theatre Programme
Community theatre groups are a fantastic option if you have a disability client who has a creative edge. Whether they want to act or help with matters behind the scenes doesn’t matter. It’s a chance to thrive in an accommodating environment while also socialising and developing skills. This can become an ongoing commitment. Alternatively, for a single outing, you can attend the show together as an audience.
Attend an Art Class
Art classes aren’t only a brilliant way for your disability client to unleash a creative side. Exploring different textures, colours, and sensations will deliver many rewarding features. Of course, they can subsequently take great pride in their masterpiece too. As with the aforementioned accessibility sports classes, this activity could also be incorporated into their weekly routines.
Enjoy a Dance Class
Dance classes are another social activity that often provides inclusive opportunities. Wheelchair dancing stands out as a popular choice for anyone with mobility issues. However, there are many other disciplines and groups where dance is catered for people living with disabilities. As a support worker, you should be able to find a suitable class that has the structure or freedom that your disability client needs.
Visit a Sensory Activity Hub
From sensory rooms to immersive gaming venues, there are many places where your disability client can thrive in an enjoyable setting. Some are designed to support inclusivity while others are just naturally accessible. Exploring sights, sounds, and touch is hugely important for people with learning disabilities or living with autism and/or sensory processing disorders.
Join a Walking Group
Walking groups are a popular addition to aged care plans but can be equally rewarding for disability clients. Support workers will need to find a suitable walking group, especially if the client walks slower than most. Alternatively, they can launch their own walking group. Either way, a combination of exploring new routes and revisiting favourite journeys will be supported by a social element.
Complete an Accessible Wildlife Experience
Accessible wildlife experiences, walks, and birdwatching activities are readily available. Whether it’s an organised event or a self-organised trip is up to the individual support worker. Either way, though, exploring nature and wildlife is a wonderful way for disabled clients to feel included. They can get the same enjoyment as anyone else. Where appropriate, this type of activity can be combined with photography.
Visit the Beach
Beach days are undoubtedly one of the most enjoyable summer outings, but can also be surprisingly fun in the spring and autumn months. Many beaches have wheelchair platforms for accessibility. Meanwhile, the sensation of feeling the sand between the toes can be immensely enjoyable. The sound of the waves, enjoyment of eating ice cream, and beach-based activities are sure to be a winner.
Hit the Local Swimming Pool
Swimming isn’t only great for physical health reasons. Water is also regularly used for therapeutic purposes, which could be particularly useful for your disabled client. It is used to boost functional ability, psychomotor skills and physical condition. Similarly, it can be implemented as part of an overall treatment for neurological pathologies. If nothing else, swimming is great fun and has no impact on the joints.
See Some Animals
Animal sanctuaries, zoos, farms, and even pet shops are the perfect setting for a day out with people living with various disabilities. Seeing wild animals is exciting and a chance to learn more about them. Meanwhile, any situation where a disabled client can pet the animals is a chance for them to enjoy that loving connection that we all feel for animals. It is highly therapeutic.
Hunt for Treasure
Hunting for treasure can manifest itself in several ways. Support workers could take disability clients for a day of metal detecting. Or they can set up scavenger hunts that are tailored to reflect the capabilities of the individual. It’s a chance to learn, show new skills and open discussions. This could mean talking about the things that the client thinks they will find or the treasures they’ll already uncovered.
Enjoy Gardening
Finally, you do not even need to leave the care home or residential setting to create a fun outing. If the centre has a community garden, this can be the perfect setting for an easy morning or afternoon of enjoying the fresh air and a little nature. It’s also great for learning more about sustainable foods while getting hands in the mud can be both stimulating and relaxing for people with sensory needs or other disabilities.
Practical Tips for Support Workers to Promote Inclusivity
As a disability support worker, you naturally want to provide the best help at all times. When arranging or managing fun outings with your disability client(s), though, you must take several potential challenges surrounding accessibility into account. Likewise, you need to ensure that individuals are safe on days out. The following checklist should help;
- Check any venue to see if they have inclusive sessions.
- Recognise that some outings might not be suitable for all disabilities.
- Ensure that clients are hydrated and protected by sun lotion.
- Schedule breaks during the day.
- Pack medications as well as items like ear defenders if necessary.
- Look for activities where your client can socialise with others.
- Consider the timing as some venues may be too packed during school holidays.
Upgrade Your Approach to Case Management Now
One of the most important steps for successful outings with your disability client is to provide a tailored service that is built with the individual’s needs and best interests in mind. Thanks to iinsight’s powerful and dedicated case management software, you can stay in control of all care matters with ease. The benefits will be seen by client and support worker alike.
To see how iinsight can transform your career as a support worker, book a demo today!