Practice Management Software for Psychologists

ergonomic workstation assessment Australia – iinsight

Psychology Practice Management Software

The management of a psychology practice is a time-consuming and often tedious job. For years, psychologists all over Australia have been using iinsight to make their working lives easier. Now you can enjoy it in the rest of the world too. iinsight helps you manage your patients, data and cases in a range of healthcare settings. It’s been specifically developed for healthcare, which means it’s fully compliant with patient confidentiality and prepared to meet all challenges that this field has in store for management software. The multi-functional nature ensures that iinsight will be the only psychology practice software you’ll ever need, where you can manage every aspect of your practice from any device at any time.

Manage Your Psychology Practice

iinsight is the preferred psychology practice software in Canada all over the world because of how it streamlines the management of any practice and organisation. With our software, you can manage everything to do with your psychology practice. iinsight helps you to book and manage appointments with all your clients in the same software that you use to send out bills and invoices after a session. Store all client information, case files and reports, including documents, videos, emails and more, in the same software that you also use to create and manage timesheets of employees. You can also share information with colleagues based on their qualifications, send out bulk invoices, integrate with your accounting system, and much more.

The Best Management Software for Psychologists

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A good practice software for psychologists in Canada is one that works according to the unique needs and situation of your organisation, which is exactly what iinsight is. The customisable and adaptable nature of this software ensures that it can suit a wide range of practices and organisations of any size, and that it’s scalable as your organisation grows. Moreover, it’s designed to be intuitive and easy to use, even for those who aren’t tech experts. After all, the software is supposed to make life easier, not harder. We also offer personalised onboarding and user training for organisations who want to hit the ground running, along with automated migrations from your current software and a telephone support desk where we’re on hand whenever you need us. All of these and more are the reasons why iinsight is the best practice management software for psychologists in Canada.

Get Our Psychology Practice Software in Canada – The Next Steps

Is iinsight the psychology practice in CA for you? Are you interested in learning more about what we have to offer for your organisation? There are several ways to proceed from here depending on what you want and need.

  • Try it for free – Sign up for a 14-day free trial on our website to use iinsight and see if it meets your requirements.
  • Book a demo – Book a demo to learn more about the software from one of our experts.
  • Get the premium subscription – Sign up today to get started early and enjoy access to perks like unlimited user licenses, access to online knowledgebase and video tutorials, reporting and workflow engine, online support tickets and more.
  • Enterprise license – Contact our sales team to learn more about the Enterprise license for organisations with 100+ users.
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    Trial wizard - UK

    What country is your business located in?

    Please write down your details below

    so that we can personalize your Trial to you and your business.

    What Funding Bodies/Services does your business work with/deliver?

    Is your business Multi-disciplinary?

    Does your business employ many disciplines like, OT, Physio, Speech, Support Workers, Support Coordinators etc, or just a single discipline

    What Services does your business work with/deliver? (select those relevant)

    What Services does your business work with/deliver? (select those relevant)

    Do you have an existing Software?
    And if so would you need assistance from our Data Migrations team?

    Whilst we arrange your Trial Access would you like to undertake a iinsight® demo?

    Oopsie! Hold on there, friend! If you close this window, you'll unfortunately lose all the info you've given and have to start from scratch. Let's make sure we save all your hard work by keeping this window open, shall we? 😉